Saturday, August 06, 2005

Backbackers guide to a better city

The idea is to list measures which will be extremely inexpensive, yet potentially very effective and will help make the city a better, liveable place. No need to spend billions on infrastructure projects that will only be white elephants and get outdated by the time they are operational.

a) Ban cars with certain prefixes/suffixes on certain days within entire city or atleast in the high congestion areas. This will reduce traffic by 20% with 1 stroke. E.g. all automobiles having numbers ending with 0,1 can be banned from city roads on mondays, 2,3 on tuesday and so on.
This has been tried in other cities in the world and has proved effective. Mumbai has a great public transport system in terms of autos, taxis, trains, buses, so those people who cannot get their cars out, can surely use the alternative forms of transport or better still, car pool.

b) Stagger office hours. Incentives to be provided to industry to stagger office hours.
Some can start at 7 AM, some at 8, and so on.
Not only will this reduce peak hour loads on the public transport system and the roads, but also dilute peak hour power requirements.

c) Charge parking on all city roads, on the lines of Kolkata. Restrict movement within the inner city commercial district of nariman point, fountain etc.

d) Oh highways, implement a car pool lane during peak commute times. With preference to those cars having more 4 or more. I know it's a bit harsh, but in India almost every car has 2 or more passengers at any given time.